Monday, 19 March 2012

And I'm still discovering ECM :)

There is a new version of ECM that is going to be released soon. Well, now, when I'm going to publish this post, new version is officially released as ECM 1.3.2

Yesterday I had an informative meeting with Ivan Korshun about "what's new" in this upcoming version. Two main features are Emulation mode for concrete mails and DispatchSummary.aspx page.

Tip 1. First thing to remember is that DispatchSummary shows only current dispatch tasks, and doesn't show test task.

Tip 2. Another fun thing that I want to notice is understanding on generating and sending threads. Actually, there are 2 settings - NumberThreads and MaxGenerationThreads. Surprisingly, they are tied up with each other. For example, we can have 8 generating threads and 100 threads at all. This means, that we can generate 8 emails simultaneously. As soon as thread finishes generating email, it becomes a sending thread. Next free thread for generation is taken from the thread pool. And so on, until job is finished or until we reach end of pool.

Tip 3. Required Bandwidth = V/T. Amount of mails divided by time of sending (if only not local MTA is used).

All other information that we have discuseed, and consequently all dispatch real-time info that we can oversee, is described thoroughly in Sitecore ECM Tuning guide (,-d-,3/Documentation.aspx). Looks like really powerful feature. Happy tuning!

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